Wood Fibre Board Insulation

Wood Fibre Board Insulation

Get your energy-efficient wood fibre board products from us

Wood fibre board insulation is the green alternative for every area of your build. We can supply the wood fibre board products you need from the inside out. We would be happy to construct a free wood fibre board quote to meet your specs and provide an initial free consulting service.

Why is wood fibre board insultation so energy efficient?
Wood fibre board insulation panels are made of wood fibres. These naturally insulating panels are utilized for their thermal insulation values, sound insulation in floors, walls, ceilings and roof structures, and for exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS).

What makes it such excellent insulation?
Wood fibre board panels have a high heat storage capacity and excellent thermal insulation properties. They are open to vapor diffusion and can be used as an element to create vapor-permeable exterior shells. Like wool and hemp, wood fibre has the capacity to both absorb and release moisture, making it breathable. This helps prevent overheating in the summer and provides a safeguard against condensation in the winter.

How is this ground-breaking product constructed?
Surplus wood and waste from the sawmill industry and thinning (spruce, fir, and pine) are used to produce it. The raw material for the production is wood chips. They are fiberized in a conventional steam refiner and dried in a flash dryer. This contrasts with the traditional wet-manufacturing process. The amazing drying process works with a new bonding system. After the fibers are dried, they are blended with a special fast-curing PUR glue. The final board is then cut to the required length and edge shape. Wood fibre boards are one of greenest building materials on the market thanks to their raw materials, production methods, insulating properties, recyclability, and CO2 storage.

Can it meet flexible size requirements?
Yes. Wood fibre board construction includes:

  • multiple thicknesses (22 – 240 mm)
  • various sizes (up to 2500 mm)
  • different densities (50 – 220 kg/m3)
  • a selection of edge profiles, such as tongue and groove (T&G), chip lap, or just butt joint.

The thermal conductivity λ (R/inch) varies from 0.037 to 0.047 W/(mK), which corresponds to R 3.1–3.9/inch.

We can find something that fits your specific needs.

Wood Fibre Board Insulation

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Roof & Wall application

Insulation for all seasons

Of all the building materials, wood has the greatest thermal storage capacity. Wood fibre board insulation plays a key role in creating comfortable indoor climates in winter and in summer. Wood fibre insulation absorbs more heat, stores it longer, and slows the flow of heat to interior areas (phase shift). So even when it’s really warm outside, you stay cool inside in a pleasant environment without air conditioning. When seasons are changing and temperatures vary greatly from day to night, wood’s thermal storage capacity is effective in regulating indoor temperatures and lowering the need for heating.

Wood Fibre Board Insulation

Think environment. Think quality of life. THINK WOOD.

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